


2021-10-07 12:47

2022年一月份早已告一段落,要想参与2022年自学考试的同学们必须做好充分的准备。在说白了学科之中,许多 朋友表明英文考试备考比较繁杂,应对做为题型不知道如何下手。学历提升文化教育的教师提议大家在备考英语作文的过程中可以多背2~3篇范例,背的多了,当然便会写了。


How Should People Keep Health

Do you want a strong body?Let me tell you how to do.

You should eat lots of fruit and vegetables,and drink lots of boiled water.You should do exercise .You should sleep at least eight in the evening,too.but you shouldn’t drink coffee or tea before sleep,you shouldn’t eat too many candies.You shouln’t work or study too hart. The way can keep your health.

Many students do not have breakfast before they go to school.It’s a quite bad habit and it’s bad for your health.Maybe you don’t have time to have breakfast but you couldn’t learn well in your classes if you don’t eat any thing .Keeping in a good health which can help you study well is very important.