


2021-10-18 08:39



Part I

1-5 CCDBA6-10 DCBAC 11-15 CDABD16-20 BBCDA

Part II

21-25 ABDDA26-30 BCCCA31-35 CABBD36-40 ABCAC

Part III

41-45 CBCAC 46-50 ACBCB

Part IV

51. 女士根据拼搏和放弃并非男生的真诚而获得了现在的影响力。

52. 在历史上,不管在印度的、古希腊或是罗马文明中,女士都处在主要影响力并受限于男士。

53. 这种改革创新在完婚、离异及其遗产继承上给了女士更高的支配权。而在别的人文中,数百年之后女士才得到与之一致的法规影响力。

54. 在欧洲中世纪的欧洲地区,女性一直受奴隶,并被夺走了一切权利。

55. 虽然获得了以上抗争的获胜,女士或是在多种不一样层次上遭到到岐视,比如,女士比男人做得多,获得的酬劳却要少。

Part V


Remove Old Buildings in the Cities

Many city planners assert that wherever a practical, utilitarian need for new buildings arises, this need should take precedence over the interest in preserving historic buildings, which leads to the phenomenon that old buildings are gradually removed in the city.

The negative effects of removing these old buildings are obvious. First of all, buildings represent a valuable record of any society’s past and uniquely represent a bygone era. Secondly, a building might be one of a few that represents a certain architectural style, and it contains aesthetic as well as historic value.

As a result, we should weigh up the practical needs and the aesthetic value on whether to remove an old building to construct a new one. The planners can either maintain aesthetic and historic value or use the old buildings for modern purposes without damaging its original value.

